Development of Piezoelectric and Electromagnetic Energy Harvesting Devices for Low-Frequency Mechanical Energy in the Human Body Based on a Biomechanical Simulation Model
Modeling of High Aspect Ratio Copper Pin Placement Using Particle Dynamics and Process Optimization Based on Experimental Design and Machine Learning
Development of Deep Learning Based an Autonomous Controlling System for Crop Production in Smart Farms
Deep Learning-Based Specific Person Tracking and Motion Control for Mobility Control Research
Effect of Alternating Magnetic Field on Friction and Wear Properties of Magnetorheological Fluid
A Study on the Load Analysis and Fatigue Life Analysis of Dynamic Parts of Forklift Using Internet of Things Sensor Technology
Analytical Investigation of Aerosol Two-Phase Nozzle Based on Computational Fluid Dynamics for Local Micro-area Printing on Semiconductor Packaging
A Study on the Presentation of Optimal Boring Patterns and Minimization of Drilling Deviation by Identifying Hydraulic Control Variables of Hydraulic Drifters
Design of Personal Mobility System for Assisted Agricultural Work with a Self-adjusting Center of Gravity
Development of a Personal Mobility System for Deep-Learning-Based Autonomous Driving
Prediction model and GUI simulator development using test data for virtual validation of static rollover threshold of commercial and passenger vehicles
Hybrid MR Damper Design by Shape Optimization and Chattering Reduction for Wiper Blade
Development and analysis of personal mobility systems for vulnerable groups with limited mobility
Multi-Objective Robust Design Optimization of a Submersible Pump Impeller Using Computational Fluid Dynamics based Surrogate Model
A Study on the Predicting the Results of Topology Optimization Algorithm Using Various Deep Neural Networks
하드웨어 인 더 루프 시스템을 이용한 차량 배출가스 측정을 위한 모드 사이클 시험용 로봇 드라이버 연구
Design of Controller and Algorithm to Classify Operating Conditions using CNN for Improving Efficiency of Reach Truck
Newton Raphson Method를 사용한 고 정확도의 HCT 차량의 준 정적 전복 예측을 위한 추정기 모델링 및 HSRF를 사용한 안전 기준 설정